Saturday, December 27, 2008

Social Networking > The way for 2009 $uccess.

My #1 priority is mastering and dominating social media.

I'll be the first to admit that I've neglected this arena until now. It's been the bastard step-child on my "to-do" list for over two years, but the time has come to change that.

Here's why...

"Traffic and Trust".

Before social media, you could describe the interactions we've had with the Internet as "People to Software".

What you experienced was a static information piece. You could read about whatever you wanted, watch whatever you wanted, and post whatever you wanted.

You could manipulate it by performing searches, and "use" it as a tool like a hammer, but you couldn't interact with it on a conscious level. You couldn't have a "conversation".

Well thanks to social media, the internet has turned into a living, breathing, thinking, talking entity, because YOU and I have been integrated into the software.

It's become a "People to People" experience, so now when you talk, perform a search, make a blog post, or ask a question, the web talks back.

Think about it this way...

Television was a one-way communication channel that allowed you to watch pictures, and listen to sounds.

The Web was like having the ability to touch and manipulate the pictures on your TV.

But Web 2.0 is like having a TV that has a conversation with you. If you insult it, it will insult you back or actively ignore you.

And believe me, the web can be a very powerful and persuasive person. If you've been on a website and read reviews or comments posted by users, you've been exposed to its' persuasive abilities.

The sites that are making this kind of interaction possible like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and YouTube, have started gobbling up the majority of the traffic - and more importantly - the time and attention of people on the net.

For example, the average Facebook user checks their account 3 - 4 times daily, and spends 19+ minutes on the site per session. That's over an hour per day.

Now throw in YouTube, Twitter, LinkdIn. BetterNetworker, and the rest of the social networking sites, and that hour turns into 3+ hours.

Social media is the new communication channel that will dominate the web. That's a fact.

Which means you need to ask yourself a few very important questions...

What will happen to your business if you're not a part of the conversations taking place about YOU, your products, and your company?

What will happen to your business if the web turns it's voice against you?

What will happen if you speak... Even shout... and the web ignores you?

How would you ever recruit distributors, or sell your products?

As online marketers, that's the reality we're now faced with.

You see, the new power this transition is creating will belong to the people like you and I who are able to create an "audience" (traffic), that will listen and support you (trust).

It's not just about search engine links on Google anymore. It's about the size of your following, and the quality of the relationship you have with those people.

But now you've got to have manners...

Etiquette is involved, because now you're literally "speaking" to the web instead of just watching it, and poking it with your mouse.

Each community has it's own language, like ("tweets, tweeting, and re-tweets" on Twitter). Each community has it's own sense of purpose, identity, influencers, and rules of conduct like BetterNetworker.

Yet this is where the traffic is going, so this is where we must follow.

This is where you prospects time and attention will be, so this is where you need to be.

So ask yourself the following questions...

What kind of social media presence do you have now? (If any at all?)

How will you stand out from the crowd of millions of people and build your audience?

Once you have that audience, how will you build trust?

Once you have that trust, how will you turn that relationship into business without betraying it?

Well those are the questions and the journey we're faced with, and as I've always said in the past, "success is in the details".

And when it comes to the details of building a massively successful presense using social media, my friend Perry Belcher is the best.

I'm a student of his, and I suggest you become one as well.

Do yourself a favor and watch his tutorial videos on the subject now. Video 1 has over gained over 19,000 views on YouTube in the last 7 days alone. It's THAT good.

Here's the link to watch "Part II", so go check it out...

Below is a list of social networking sites that I use and receive some great information from the other members.¬/ThomCooke¬/ThomCooke¬/ThomCooke¬/ThomCooke¬/ThomCooke

To your future $uccess,

Thom Cooke
Nerang-Broadbeach Road,
Carrara. Qld. 4211
Phone [VOIP]: 61 7 3102 5445
Skype : Thjaco

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