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Monday, October 27, 2008
Do you remember Ad Surf Daily? then you'll LOVE this!
NEWSLETTER Wow! Our Ad Gate World non-public pre-launch certainly turned public very fast! Everyone is very excited about our social advertising project. Over the next couple of weeks we will be beta testing systems and preparing for full launch as soon as possible. The Ad Gate formula for success is based on proven models that are flourishing on the Internet and in brick and mortar businesses. A recipe that understands the very mechanisms that keep industry leaders such as Ebay, Facebook, Sam's Club and Craig’s List on the cutting edge. The blending of these components will allow each of us to take advantage of the ultimate Consumable product, advertising! Our primary focus will be cost effective advertising for our members and corporate advertisers. Through the use of our rebate participation program business owners with different size advertising budgets can reach new viewers daily. We are very excited about features such as full categorization and the ability to target viewers by regional surfing. This opens the door For local service providers, real estate sales and more! The AdGate vision is not about the success of a few members or the company. This site was built with the vision that each member will take personal pride in the community by knowing that we are all guiding this new entity with ideas and hard work. The initial surf advertising model is a stepping stone that will lead us down many paths. We will be looking to our members for ideas and opinions on where our journey through the Ad Gate will take us. Plans for a sister site that will be focused on non-profit organizations and fundraising is already on our development list. Furthermore, our commitment to bringing interesting companies and informative webinars on investments, health, lending and discounted product offers will be at the forefront of the Ad Gate Partner Alliance program. Do you have ideas for future revenue streams that can make our community stronger? We are counting on it. Here are some questions that have been asked recently: Who owns Ad Gate World? This site is owned by a private corporation that is regulated under the laws of Panama. Recent attacks on legal corporations and businesses simply to grab much needed funds has forced many highly respected industries and well run companies to move to other jurisdictions outside the United States. Under the guise of government regulation it appears that almost any licensed business can be disrupted. The protection of this corporation, its members and the administrative volunteers and staff is of utmost concern. The Ad Gate Team and its legal staff understand and respect the private member information contained in our database. The longevity and future success of the community requires that this same level of privacy should be defended regarding the company and the dedicated staff that is working to make this a reality. Please respect this and understand that independent contractors (legal, marketing, technology and accounting) have volunteered their time and services to see this project move forward. These people have no ownership in the site. They do have ownership, along with each of you, in the belief that all of us can contribute to the Ad Gate success story. If any member cannot respect or commit to this level of integrity and privacy then they simply should not be part of our community. There are many other opportunities across the net. When will the site open? As mentioned above we have a team of highly experienced volunteers that are working on this project. When the components are finished, integrated and tested we will open the doors. We are making tremendous strides and look forward to that day very much. The Ad Gate Team will Continue to inform us all on the progress. Does ASD own or operate Ad Gate World? NO. However, we believe in the social advertising concept and many of our volunteers were members of ASD. We respect and admire the ASD management Team and everything that they had accomplished. Ad Gate World supports everyone's right to make independent decisions on advertising without regulation. The advertisers themselves determine whether advertising is successful. If an advertising campaign is not working then that company or person will decide not to pursue it further. If a government has this power then every newspaper, search engine and television network would be in serious trouble.
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