Sunday, May 16, 2010

Where do you fit in?


I'm fascinated by the extreme mentalities of people wanting
to make their fortune on the Net

Some will splash out on a $997 course or seminar.

Others will baulk at the thought of spending one single
cent on any aspect of an online business.

Somewhere in between is the huge majority of folk who I
believe would be happy to pay a mere 33 cents a day (that's
$10 a month) to put themselves in the top echelon of
online marketers simply by having a hosted website.

Especially if you added to it a bundle of extras such as
24/7 access to a private forum run by experts with 10 email addresses and up to 50% recurring commission as an affiliate.

There must be thousands, even millions of such potential

Would YOU like to have a go at recruiting them and earning
recurring commission for yourself?

It's very simple

All is explained in this NEW FR*EE book.

Submit your website to the search engines FR*EE

Thom Cooke
Phone: +61 7 413 09 1994

P.S. Sometimes it`s all in the name Triple Your List

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Is Google Dead?

It's Goodbye To Google
Review by Harvey Segal
You read that right.
He told Google to push off.
Stop spidering me.
I no longer want my online business to depend on its ever
changing whims as to what makes a good or bad ranking.
I don't want to spend time collecting thousands of
backward links then find that they are probably worthless
because the anchor text does not contain a suitable
keyword, or the site does not have sufficient page rank,
or whatever the latest algorithm is.
I don't want to buy expensive cloaking tools and run the
risk of penalization.
I don't want to be bothered about whether a domain has a
static or dynamic IP address or have to use different
hosts to make a network of mini sites.
What's that you say ? You don't need fancy tricks - just
provide good relevant content.
My answer ?
I have a huge content site devoted solely to ClickBank,
the only one of its kind.
If you wanted to find the most relevant content for a
search on the keyword 'ClickBank' don't you think that
would be at the top ?
Well Google used to agree with you.
It was ranked number 2, with only itself at
number one.
Today it is ranked ... wait for it ... number 426.
It is beaten out of sight by sites which have nothing to
do with ClickBank but happen to mention that keyword once.
I asked a search engine expert about this and he suggested
that it was due to keyword density, in other words too
many mentions of the word ClickBank.
Well that has to be the case - the site is after all a
'Complete Guide to ClickBank'
His advice - try replacing the word ClickBank occasionally
e.g. use 'CB'.
No way.
That was the last straw and became the inspiration for me
to develop a revolutionary approach to getting traffic.
It led to me being called 'The Guru who said goodbye to
Google' in the marketing forums.
And this new approach ?
It uses some of the fundamental pillars of Internet
marketing that you already know - techniques which will
never become obsolete.
But they are combined together in a new way and with a
viral twist that you won't have seen before.
It includes giving out free information in a certain way
and I show you how exactly in my book, The Ultimate